Announcements and Events

Yes I Can! Awards Ceremony

May 5th, 2019

L to R: Dakota Jaques (Allan), Destiny Forsberg (Rosthern), Alia Anthony (Warman), Rave Tanner (Osler), Tyson Mullen (Plenty), Jordon Vessey (Martensville)

2020 CEC Convention & Expo in Portland, OR

Feb 5-8, 2020

Register Now!

Fall Fundraiser 2018 was a SUCCESS! 

Thank you to all the businesses for your donations. 

A special thank you to the SASKATOON LIONS CLUB for your support &  generosity. 

Workshop has been CANCELLED

Helping Families

Linda Balon-Smith (Canadian Member At Large, CEC) had the honor of presenting a family with a $500 cheque to help send two of their children to Camp Tamarack.

Congratulations to our 2018 Yes I Can! Award Recipients

Independent Living Skills:       Rylie Pocha
Extracurricular Activity:          Aislin Camilleri
Academics:                                       Hannah E.
Community Service:                   Kaelen Reynolds
Art:                                                        Phillip Sperling

Harry Dahl Scholarship Recipient: Amy Hattum

Click here for pictures from the ceremony.

Scholarship & Awards

Did you know????

The Saskatchewan Council for Exceptional Children presents the following Harry Dahl Scholarships:

  • a $1000 Academic Scholarship that supports an individual pursuing a career directly related to working with a person with exceptionalities.
  • a $1000 Transition Award in recognition of an individual who has overcome significant challenges due to a disability in order to achieve his/her goals.

Keep your eyes open in the Spring of 2019 for next years nomination form.

Yes I Can! Awards 

These award acknowledges the achievements of children and youth with intensive supports (grades 4-12) who have overcome challenges or public misconceptions.

Click here to visit our Yes I Can! page to find out more information and to recognize a student you know.


You are invited to attend the Saskatchewan Unit, Council for Exceptional Children’s Annual General Meeting held each year.  Please check back for our next AGM meeting at the start of 2019. 

Canadian Member at Large for CEC

Linda Balon-Smith (